Sugar snaps and baby corn stir fry

Necessity truly is the mother of invention! I don’t really know if I’ve invented this, there is nothing new under the sun, so many chefs out there… in any case, in my kitchen, at the moment it was created, it was an invention.

I needed a vegetable for the meal that night and it was too late to dash to the store. I looked at what I had and none of it was enough on it’s own, and there was nothing I could put together in a combination I was already familiar with.


So I halfheartedly grabbed the sugar snaps and baby corn thinking this is was going to be a very strange veggie side but at least we’d have veggies. Then I thought butter! Yes, I will use butter, it make every thing better. But in the end I was pleasantly surprised, and delighted that I had decided to take these pictures!  

So the ingredients are easy; some baby corn, cut up into small pieces; two leeks, cut into rings; sugar snaps, cut in half.

When I cut the leeks I don’t do the whole length, I just cut up to some of the dark green, maybe two inches into it. I don’t use the very dark green bits for eating. Though you can keep them and use them when making stock. Just add to the water with all your other stock ingredients.

remove the top layer and cut of the bottom with the tiny roots. Chop into rings
remove the top layer and cut of the bottom. Chop into rings
then place in a large bowl f water to wash. Swirl around with fingers so that any dirt/soil will loosen and sink to bottom. Don't need to do this for long, just 30 seconds. Then lift out with fingers, shake to remove excess water and place in pan
then place in a large bowl of water to wash. Swirl around with fingers so that any dirt/soil will loosen and sink to bottom, the leak bit will always float to the top). Don’t need to do this for long, just 30 seconds. Then lift out with fingers, shake to remove excess water and place in pan
add a tablespoon or two of butter and start frying on medium heat. Can substiture butter for your preferred cooking oil
add a tablespoon or two of butter and start frying on medium heat. Can substitute butter for your preferred cooking oil
once the butter has melted (or the oil is warmed up enough) add the baby corn
once the butter has melted (or the oil is warmed up enough) add the baby corn

The baby corn doesn’t take long to be ready, you want it to remain crunchy. But it does need a bit more time than the sugar snaps, which you also want to remain crunchy. So when the sweet corn is almost done, when you think you just need one more minute, add the sugar snaps.

I did this on high heat, by the time the veggies were done I had a bit of browning that added  a nice flavour

sprinkle salt to taste, stir,
and it's done
and it’s done

Serve immediately, enjoy!

About aika

Making, eating and sharing good food are a splendid way to start, brake and end a day! I post good eats on Life is a feast, eat up!


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