Spicy tea / chai

It’s very simple to make. My mother showed me how. I know there are those mixes that you can buy in the store, if that’s what you like cause it’s faster that’s OK. But you can’t beat the flavour and texture you get from making it this way. Rich and creamy, and no grainy bits!

So you’ll need:
Whole cardamons
Cinnamon sticks
Whole Peppers

spices in the pot

Put them all in the pot and add water, milk and tea leaves as you usually do.

How much of each spice to put depends on how spicy you want it. After you make it a couple of times you get a good idea for how much based on how you like it.

I usually try to keep the ratios even. But you can experiment, try putting in extra cinnamon for example, if you want it to have a stronger cinnamon kick.


When it’s ready, put it through a sieve and serve.

About aika

Making, eating and sharing good food are a splendid way to start, brake and end a day! I post good eats on www.pendolamama.co.ke. Life is a feast, eat up!

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