Yes you read right, there is bone marrow in that patty and it’s delicious!
If you haven’t seen the first one already, this is version two of a series of Kenyan burgers I’m doing. The first one is here if you’s like to see it. This second one has been long overdue, got a little nudge to get it out with this month’s Onja post theme: white! Yes, seriously the theme is white. My mind went blank when I first heard it (pun intended).
I then started going through my recipe notes, ideas that I’ve been wanting to try and remembered this burger. It has minced chicken breast — white meat! — eureka! I had my white.
I had already decided that the chicken burger would have to be western. The only issue I had was the meat patty. Had been thinking about what to add to it to make it juicy and flavourful. Maybe marinate the breasts before mincing? But then I’d have to mince the chicken at home. I did not have the time to marinate or mince…

Then I remembered a video on YouTube where a guy made a burger with bone marrow mixed in. I keep bone marrow around for making stocks for soups and stews, so bone marrow it was!

Getting the bone marrow out is easy, you just spoon it out. or if the bone is cut short enough you can just push it out with your thumb.

While cooking, don’t press down on them, you’ll squeeze out the moisture. Do not disturb them except to flip them over.

Don’t make the ugali slice too thick, at the very least, not thicker than your meat, but should be less, preferably.

And this is the part where I give the husband rating. Unfortunately hubby was not available for tasting. But little bro happily stepped in for the task!
Bro’s Rating:
The honey-mastard sauce, with the sukuma and fresh tomatoes really come together nicely with the meat. Only thing is I’m not a fan of ugali. Otherwise I totally enjoyed it.
See that! Really good, and if you like ugali, you’d like it even better! Try it this weekend, let me know how you like my open face burger.
Remember to check out the the rest of the Onja team and see what they posted today, that’s where I’m headed right now!