My name is Aika, and this is my little corner of the web where I share the adventures in my kitchen with you. Karibu sana to what I like to call my yummy corner of the web.
I am a lover of good food, more specifically, I am a lover of home cooking. There is just something in home cooked meals that can’t be replicated in a restaurant. Don’t get me wrong, I eat in restaurants quite often (I do like a break every now and then), but if you asked me to trace back in my mind to a memory of a special meal, that was unforgettable, in any given year, it will always be a home cooked meal.
There is something in home cooked meals that isn’t tangible but always palpable — I have dubbed it simply Pendo La Mama.
I am not a trained chef, and many of us aren’t, but we still make great food in our homes. And great food is made for sharing. I share these recipes because good food shouldn’t be kept a secret, it should be shared. I can’t invite all of you to my table so on this blog I post recipes of the meals I make for my family — my contribution to sharing good food — so that you can make them and enjoy them too. I also occasionally post the things I learn about cooking in general.
I have been blogging for over 4 years now and I truly enjoy it. I also enjoy hearing from you so comment, share, and tag me around the web (@pendolamama on twitter and Instagram). Do try the recipes and give me your feedback (both good and not so good).
Blessings, Love and Good Food!
About a week before I got married, Mama and a few of her good friends gathered to impart some wisdom and share their experiences — collectively more than a thousand years worth. It was awesome. There are several things they said I will never forget. One is, “always ask how he liked the food after every meal.” (^_^)

When I first started this blog I was cooking for 1 — my husband — and very eager to add to that number. Now that the family has grown I no longer put up a rating with each post. So most of the posts with a rating are from the early days. I will, however, continue to include the rating for guest posts.
Speaking of sharing, take a look around, if you like what you see, share with your friends, and come back often.
If you try a recipe, leave me some feedback, both good and not so good. It’s always great to hear from you. I’ve learned quite a bit from feedback. So don’t be shy, we can all learn together (^_^)
If you’ve got a great recipe please #ShareThelove!! Feel free to submit it in the form below. I would love to credit you when I post it, so I will link to your social network page when I mention your name. If you would prefer different let me know by adding a note in the recipe box.
It’s late morning on my wedding day and I’m finally up and about. So grateful we planned for an evening wedding, it was nice to sleep in. I felt like I was moving in slow motion, everyone around me seemed to be so busy with something or the other.
It’s almost lunch time and I’m famished. I had a funny thought — if I eat as much as I want to eat right now, will it digest in time for me to fit into my wedding dress in a few hours? — uhm, yeah. Whatever. I put that right out of my mind and went to the kitchen.
Mama was there (^_^) She immediately asked me what I wanted for lunch. It was my last meal at home, the last meal I would ever eat bearing the same last name as her. The last meal I would eat before joining the ranks of “Mrs” so and so [insert tear-jerking violins here].
I hadn’t thought much of it, plus I didn’t want to add more tasks to what she had to do that day so I opened the fridge and said I’d eat some leftovers. As I reached to pull them out she insisted that I go back to my room and continue resting, she would make me a plate and bring it to me. That was also the last time she would send me to my room; and the only time I would do it willingly! (^_^)

So an hour and some minutes later I’m up in my room still waiting for lunch. Hmmm. This is not like Mama. She knows I haven’t had breakfast. It can’t possibly take this long to… oh! She walked right through the door and interrupted my thought— that was a very good thing, the hunger was about to make me think some not so nice thoughts.
One glance at the plate, a whiff of the aroma that followed her into the room, and I wanted to cry. She made the whole meal from scratch.
That, is Pendo La Mama.
I have experienced this my entire life. Many many moments where Mama’s dinner made all the bad jokes from school go away; when the whiff of a favourite soup made studying much easier; when a belly full of her surprise treat made sleep more restful. To this day, nothing beats her cooking. And I don’t believe it’s because she’s a good cook — and she really is a good cook—I believe it’s because every meal she makes is love in action, packed full of affection.
Coming soon 🙂
Whaaaat? I am going online on BAkE To vote for kaluhiskitchen then I see this…now I’m just confused!!!!
Ha ha ha
Kaluhi is awesome! She’s a good friend. Vote for her (^_^)
Your blog is Freakin awesooooome!!! And this mummy thing just makes me so emotional,remembering all the yummy things she used to cook for me oh whatever…I have voted for you!!
Aaawwwww! ☺️ THANK YOU!!
awwwwwwwwww….This blog is a master piece Mama
also other legume recipes
Hello Angela!
Here is a list of all my legume recipes https://pendolamama.co.ke/category/legumes/
Enjoy, thanks for stoping by (^_^)
Hey Asante for visiting my blog. I am so excited. I have been hoping to link up with some Kenyan blogs and here we are finally. Your avocado story cracked me up!!! I am also not a trained chef but I love cooking too!!!
Karibu sana!!! And welcome to my blog also! He he he glad you enjoyed the avocado story.