Marinade – Lemon pepper chicken

I got this marinade from Tirus Njuguna. He didn’t give me any measurements for the ingredients so I’ve done my own. I want the chicken to be lemony and peppery.

His recipe included dark and light soy sauces. I didn’t have soy sauce so I’ve omitted both of them for now. You can add if you’d like.

Here we go:
2 heaping teaspoons cumin seeds
3 heaping teaspoons pepper corns

cumin seeds and pepper corns

Put them in a pan and toast for a few minutes on medium heat then grind them. Not sure how fine they’re supposed to get but I don’t think it’s a big deal. My blender got them down to coarse.

ground and back in the pan, ready for other ingredients

Put back in the pan and add the following ingredients:

3 table spoons butter
3 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon lemon grates/zest
1 heaping table spoon orage grates/zest
Juice of one lemon
Juice of half an orange

orange grates
add lemon juice and orange juice

Heat it up again and stir. Keep the heat low. Wait a few minutes for the ingredients to jell, then set aside to cool.

ready to add to the chicken

I had 4 chicken quarters, so while the marinade was cooling I washed and cut them

chicken clean and ready

By the time I was done with the chicken the marinade was cool enough, I added it to the chicken

pour it all in
mix, coat as evenly as possible

Coated all the chicken pieces as evenly as possible. Lifted the skin and stuff some marinade inside as well.

I’ll be cooking this in a few days (when I figure out what to serve it with) so I bagged the chicken and put it in the freezer.


About aika

Making, eating and sharing good food are a splendid way to start, brake and end a day! I post good eats on Life is a feast, eat up!

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