I made the second salad at Mel’s. Very simple. Also got it from the book (101 simple suppers). I had been wondering what I would do with the mozzarella, wasn’t sure it would still be good after I got back from shagz. It was a good way for me to use it up.
First, chop the mozzarella and tomatoes.

The salad in the book had some greens,… I omitted them.
The dressing:
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1/2 a teaspoon ground pepper
sea salt to taste
Rind of half a lemon
Juice of one lemon
Yes,… I changed this one a little bit too. I added the lemon juice (^_^)
Mix the dressing with a whisk, briskly.

Husband Rating:
even though I’m not a cheese person. The mozzarella chunks were too big though, would refer them smaller next time.