Ice cream cake treat

If you’re looking for something easy and fun to make to treat your family or friends with this summer, look no further. Ice cream is a well loved dessert. Every time we have a family gathering, the food is eaten with enthusiasm (it’s always that good) but you always see the brightest faces when dessert is served. Most especially when it’s ice cream. I remember even as a child, when ice cream was served for dessert we all rushed to make sure we didn’t miss any.

a slice of summer goodness!
a slice of summer goodness!

As the summer is kicking in and Christmas is just around the corner, this is a delightful treat. And the best part is it can be in any shape you want, any size you want (well, as big as you can make space for in your freezer), any number of flavours you want and it’s EASY!  

The first thing you’ll need is the containers. Two, one for making the ice cream cake and one for serving. You want them to pair up nicely, have the same shape and size. The serving one should be slightly bigger for easier handing. Also, keep in mind that it needs to fit in your freezer, so before you start, make sure you have the room for it (preferably at the top so that nothing drips into it).

the tools
the tools, these are the two that matched the best in my kitchen, use whatever you have in yours. It doesn’t have to be a baking dish, remember this will go in the freezer. The serving dish should be something flat, you’ll see why later

Next you need a bit of cling wrap to line the deep dish before you start making the ice cream cake.


Now the ingredients are up to you. Which is why this is such a versatile treat, it can be different every time. Pick three of you favourite ice cream flavours, and leave them out for about a half hour to thaw or until soft enough to scoop with a large spoon and spread.

Then add them to your chosen dish/container in layers...
Then add them to your chosen dish/container in layers…

My flavour layers were pralines & cream, then strawberry (I picked one with chunks in it) then topped off with vanilla. This is where you get to play. Go wild, make a rainbow if you’d like \(^_^)/

Once your dish is filled, fold in the cling wrap, starting with the short sides first.


Then the long sides…


And you’re done! Now just put it in the freezer so that the ice cream can harden again.


You could make this a couple of days ahead of time or on the morning of the day you want to serve it. Don’t wait too late though depending on the size of your dish, it may need longer to harden all the way.

And now for the fun part, serving it! First boil some water. Oh! forgot to mention, whatever dish you pick, make sure you have a long enough knife to cut all the way through if it’s deep.

Pull it out of the freezer and unwrap the cling wrap. Do it gently so that it doesn't tear and leave pieces stuck on your ice cream cake
Pull it out of the freezer and unwrap the cling wrap. Do it gently so that it doesn’t tear and leave pieces stuck on your ice cream cake
place your serving dish on top bottom side up
place your serving dish on top bottom side up (see why t needs to be flat?)
then lift and turn the whole thing up side down
then turn the whole thing up side down
then lift the cling film up with the dish and voila! — ice cream cake!!
then lift the cling film up with the dish and voila! — ice cream cake!!

Place the knife in the hot water and cut away! Now, not that it will be a problem, but you do have to finish it all. I’m pretty sure your family/friends will happily help you out on that! I mean look at it! No leftovers on this one, as you can imagine, re-freezing and keeping the shape will be a bit cumbersome.


how you cut yours will depend on the shape of your dish. If round the you'll probably end up with a cake like triangular shape, if square then squares, etc
how you cut yours will depend on the shape of your dish. If round the you’ll probably end up with a cake like triangular shape, if square then squares, etc

I had some friends that came over for lunch last week, this was dessert (^_^) their average rating below

Friends’ Rating: ★★★★★★★★½☆


About aika

Making, eating and sharing good food are a splendid way to start, brake and end a day! I post good eats on Life is a feast, eat up!

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