Yesterday was my 1st blog anniversary! September 23, 2011 is the day my site went public.
I really want to say thank you to all of you, my awesome readers. When I started I wasn’t sure anyone would even read. You guys have been so gracious and I am grateful for all of you. To everyone who reads my posts, subscribes to the RSS feed, has ‘liked’ the Facebook page, tweeted my posts, shared links to my posts and downloaded the Pendo La Mama app in the Nokia Ovi Store (Yeah!), even if you’ve just stopped by to look at the pictures — THANK YOU!!
The great thing about cooking is that everyone likes good food. There’s no one out there actively looking for bad food. When you meet people that like to cook it’s a great opportunity to share recipes and methods. I have learned a lot from talking to people in the last year, and from reader’s comments, so please keep your comments coming. I really enjoy chatting with you and exchanging ideas.
Thank you to Kweli Media for inviting me to make a few posts on their site and articles in their magazine. Check them out if you haven’t already, really great local content (also at
I have some new friends online… visit them! They have some great content too: Tunda and Leo Tumapika?
Look out for… the anniversary giveaway!!!
Yes, I’ll be giving away… something, not sure how or what yet but I will know by the end of this week (^_^)
Thought it was time to update the look of the site as well, hope you like it (now you know what’s been keeping me busy).
Lastly, go on, be adventurous! (with whatever you like to do)
a wife who enjoys cooking for her hubby so much she blogs about it! #PendoLaMama cc. @AikaInk
— Mwangi Kirubi (@mwarv) September 23, 2011
Above is the very first tweet ever about my site, I have since changed the handle to @pendolamama