Baked chicken in lemon and honey marinade

Continuing with the lemony chicken experiment…

I baked the chicken this time and added ginger to the marinade. Here is the previous attempt if you’d like to see.


First, cut up the chicken to desired serving sizes and rinse. Then lay the pieces on napkins or cloths to dry. I learned this from my mother. Let the meat drain and dry a little so that when you put it in the marinade it soaks in the juices.

cut, since and lay the chicken pieces out to dry

Then make the marinade…   

zest of one lemon
7 cloves of garlic, grated + same amount in ginger also grated
+ juice of one lemon, tablespoon of paprika, teaspoon of salt and 4 tablespoons honey
mix and it’s ready for the chicken. Dunk the pieces into the marinade one by one to coat them nicely
lift some of the loose skin
take a chunky bit of the marinade with lots garlic and ginger pieces
stuff it under the skin
soak the chicken completely
looking good
set aside. When all the pieces have been coated and stuffed you can pour the remaining marinade on top. Marinate for at least an hour
even better if you can leave them covered in the fridge overnight, I cooked on the same day but it’s better after marinating overnight
when ready to cook place the pieces in a foiled oven pan, bake in the oven covered with foil for 40 min at 180°C
after 40 minutes uncover and switch oven to grill mode. Bake for 15 min then turn the chicken pieces, then back in the oven again for 15 min. Watch closely, don’t let them burn
done! Set the chicken aside and pour the juices onto a frying pan with any remaining marinade
reduce on low to medium heat, till you get a nice thick sauce
coat the chicken with the sause and serve!


Husband Rating: ★★★★★★★½☆☆

It was tasty, but not as good as the previous one. And still not the flavour I’ve been look for

But I have another idea,… check back in a week or so (^_^)

About aika

Making, eating and sharing good food are a splendid way to start, brake and end a day! I post good eats on Life is a feast, eat up!

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