These tasty buttery potatoes are a worthy side dish for any meal. Look at those perfectly golden brown buttery edges! I learned this recipe from a friend a while back, we were over at his house for lunch.

Before we get started on the how, I just want you to know that you can switch out the butter for olive oil or whatever cooking oil you have in your kitchen and the potatoes will still taste great. But the butter… The butter is special.
To get started, wash and peel your potatoes ad cut them to your liking. As long as the size is at least 2 or three bites minimum they will be fine. Any smaller and they may fall apart too easily. If your potatoes are already small then no need to cut them at all, you can cook them as they are and they’ll look nice when you serve.
First thing you want to do once they’re all peeled, cut and clean is parboil (partially cook in boiling water till they just begin to soften) in salted water. Salt the water to your taste.
Then drain the potatoes and place them in a bowl.

When mixing the potatoes, be gentle, do it more like folding than mixing. A more effective and faster way to do this would be to melt the butter a pour it in bit by bit as you fold the potatoes.

Then place in the oven at 180°C for 30 min (if you preheat the oven) or until they get the nice golden touch around the edges. Do poke through one of them with a fork to make sure they’re cooked all the way through.

They look pretty plain, but there is nothing plain about the flavour of these potatoes!

Wanna try something else with buttery goodness? How about this delicious carrot side?
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