Chapos, liver stew and mukimo

I like mukimo a lot though I’ve never made it myself. I order it to have with nyama choma. I wasn’t sure what to make to go with it but I finally settled on chapos and liver stew.

chapos rolled out, these were the last two for this batch

By the way, I’m getting much better at making chapos. I discovered that the dough is much easier to handle when you put enough flour it so that it’s no longer sticky and you can knead it, a lot like bread dough. It’s then much easier to handle, especially when rolling them out. You are probably wondering what I was doing before,… that makes two of us!

I think it will now be worth it to get a proper chapatti pan (^_^)     

some oil and two tablespoons of cardamon powder, heat up on low fire, don’t let the cardamon burn

I used cardamon powder to spice the liver

cutting the liver (1/2 kilo), add to the oil when it heats up
fry the liver till it’s not bloody looking
add 2 chopped onions
when the onions soften, add 2 sliced tomatoes and salt
the mukimo, I warmed it up before serving

Husband Rating: ★★★★★★★★★☆

I didn’t make the mukimo so the rating was for the chapos and liver.
Now I’m really eager to learn how to make my own mukimo.
Will need to ask around for instructions, do you have any tips?

About aika

Making, eating and sharing good food are a splendid way to start, brake and end a day! I post good eats on Life is a feast, eat up!

9 thoughts on “Chapos, liver stew and mukimo

  1. If you can’t find pumpkin leaves- my mum made it once with spinach and it was very nice (unexpected). Also the spelling is mũkimo rather than an ‘o’.

    1. Thanks for tip Rence!
      It’s always great to have alternatives, I might try both and see which I like better

      And thanks for the spelling correction too, I’ve made corrections (^_^)

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