Marinated chicken breast with spinach & potatoes

Hope you guys enjoyed the holiday season, I sure did! Lots of good eating. I had this plan to take photos of all the food but it didn’t happen. I was too busy enjoying the food, then suddenly it was over.


Hope your 2013 is off to a great start though. Made any resolutions?

I have one. Simpler meals. I’d really like to cut down on preparation time in the kitchen, especially in the evenings. If you have any great ideas for that let me know (^_^)   

For this first post of the year, I cut down preparation and cooking time by using some leftovers, and marinating the chicken the night before.

The chicken was marinated in:
Ginger powder
Freshly grated garlic
Some lemon grates
Juice of half a lime

marinated overnight in the fridge
marinated overnight in the fridge
place in pan with some oil and very low heat
place in pan with some oil and very low heat. You want it to cook through properly without burning on the outside so the lower the heat the better

The marinade had no salt in it so I sprinkled some on both sides while it was cooking. Careful not to put too much though, always better to add later while you eat.

after a few minutes turn it over for the other side to cook
after a few minutes turn it over for the other side to cook, but don’t wait too long for it to start blackening like I did, you want a nice golden colour
you will cook the spinach in the same pan so wash cut and have it ready
you will cook the spinach in the same pan so wash cut and have it ready with one clove of grated garlic
chicken is ready! see the nice golden on the two at the bottom, you want it to look like that, at least I got the second side right. Don't let it start to blacken like I did with the first side
chicken is ready! Remove from pan and set aside to rest. See the nice golden on the two at the bottom, you want it to look like that, at least I got the second side right. Don’t let it start to blacken like I did with the first side
add the garlic to the pan, let it sizzle for a new seconds
add the garlic to the pan, let it sizzle for a few seconds
the add the cut spinach. I did large cuts. Fry till it softens then sprinkle with salt and it's ready to serve
then add the cut spinach. I did large cuts. Fry till it softens then sprinkle with salt and it’s ready to serve
I served the chicken on top of the spinach, topped with chopped tomatoes and fresh basil, and the potatoes on the side
I served the chicken on top of the spinach, topped with chopped tomatoes and fresh basil, and the potatoes on the side

The potatoes were a leftover takeaway from dinner at a restaurant the previous night (^_^) So the rating is just for the chicken and spinach side.

Husband Rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆

The chicken had a nice lemony flavour going on the outside and the inside was very tender. Slow cooking on low heat always helps keep the meat tender. That spinach though, so overcooked! *sigh*

About aika

Making, eating and sharing good food are a splendid way to start, brake and end a day! I post good eats on Life is a feast, eat up!

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