I have never seen this served anywhere else but at my Mothers, so I’ve thought that my Mother is the only one that stews nduma (arrow root/taro root/magimbi). Then two months I was talking about it with Juliet — turns out her Mother makes it too and she loves it! And then last week someone else mentioned it.

So here is how it goes:
Peel and chop the nduma. Wash them thoroughly. When you cut them you want fairly large sized chunks, about four bites a piece (that’s how I size them).

Put them in a pot with enough water to almost cover them. Then salt to taste.

Then, add chopped onions, and grated carrots

Then turn on the fire to medium heat and cover. Put the cover slightly on the side to leave a gap for hot air to escape. My pot cover has ventilation holes but I’ve found that they’re often not big enough unless I’m cooking at the lowest heat.

Once it starts to boil give it a stir.

Continue to stir once in a while till the ndumas are cooked. The water will reduce and thicken from the ndumas that fall apart.

When it’s done, serve. I like it plain. But you can serve it with a side of avocado, or freshly sliced tomatoes and carrots.

Husband Rating:
Yummm. Forgot to mention you inspired my Monday dinner with this recipe! It getting so that I’m looking up recipes as much here as on allrecipes 🙂
We’d all sit, cosy on one of those rainy cold evenings and enjoy a bowl of mum’s stewed nduma. This is comfort food. Absolutely!
By the way where can i find Nduma as my friend to nairobi she brought me some nduma crisps and me and my family realy like and would like to know where can i buy them from as i live in leicester in uk.please do let me know. Thanks.
Hey Sudha!
Welcome to Pendo La Mama!
I do not know where to find fresh nduma in the UK, but I’ve asked around for you and guys are saying to try the foreign food stores (places where immigrants would shop for groceries, as they’re more likely to stock things like this) and farmers markets.
I hope that helps! (^_^)
Thanks for stopping by!