It’s guest post day!
My neighbour Anne is an awesome cook. I discovered that on a random day. I dropped by and she was just about to eat, and she shared her lunch with me — don’t you just love it when that happens?! The spontaneous sharing of food I mean It just warms the heart doesn’t it? Here is a little bit about her…
Do you remember the beginning of your cooking ventures?
I honestly cannot recall but it probably was an egg and my mother is the one who would have taught me. I really enjoy cooking! Conceptualising what I want to cook and then cooking it and watching the recipe come together and then seeing people enjoying it. What I don’t enjoy is cleaning up the dishes and kitchen once cooking is done.

Whats the best thing you make?
My chapatis are quite good but I cannot get myself to cook them anymore – I find that the time it takes to make them and the energy does not make sense since I can only eat no more than 2; I would rather buy good chapatis or get someone to make them for me.
Random thought to share?
Cooking is an art and one must be willing to take risks in the kitchen. Chances are that if you are adventurous in the kitchen, you are an entrepreneur at heart because of the risk factor!
I love the dish she’s making for us because it’s chicken (you can never have to many chicken recipes!) and has the flair of a simple uncomplicated home cooked yumminess! Enjoy! (see next post)