We’ve been cooking together for a week now and it’s been such a pleasant experience. I have had none of the nightmare experiences I hear about and I am so grateful. She is so wonderful.

I told her that I seem to end up with more dough than I intend (I even threw some out one time — such a shame! But I wasn’t going to stand there and make chapos all night!). She suggested that I start with flour. The amount of flour I use should be what determines the size of the dough.

Then add the water bit by bit and stir to mix with the flour.

Then the layers,…

Because she used hot water she doesn’t need to wait for them to rise. Once she’s done preparing the portions she starts rolling them back out to cook right away.

Thanks for the chapati tips… I like brown chapatis… I should try this method and mix Atta with some white flour… hmmm
I want to do some brown ones too. But I’m still learning,… once I get the regular ones right I’ll move to the brown (^_^)
Best.Recipe.Ever! Plus the chapos are yummy…now, just to figure out the shaping 🙂
Awesome!! Glad you liked it!
The shape will come with practice, took me a while also (^_^)