Chicken breast over pasta and pesto

Pesto is already great when added to a pasta, you can just have that with cheese and you’re good, it’s a nice simple meal. But you can easily make it hardier by adding meat,… chicken breast for example, or a simple salad on the side,… lettuce and tomato,…


For this meal I added chicken breast. Pulled it out of the freezer in the morning so it would defrost during the day. In the evening when I got home, I devised a plan of attack, I didn’t want to spend more than 30 min making dinner.  

Faster Meals Tip 2: Plan your routine in the kitchen, think about multitasking. Not everything needs your attention while it’s cooking.

First thing, boil some water in an electric kettle (boils faster). While the water is boiling you can start preparing the chicken breast.

cut some chicken breast into pieces
cut the chicken breast into pieces

Water should have boiled by now, move it to a pot and start cooking the pasta. Then go back to the chicken…

fry in a little bit of olive oil on low to medium heat, sprinkle salt to taste
fry in a little bit of olive oil on low to medium heat, sprinkle salt to taste
chicken breast cooks really fast, especially when it's cut up to pieces
chicken breast cooks really fast, especially when it’s cut up to pieces, watch it closely, stir often, don’t let it burn
meanwhile the pasta should be ready. Drain it and mix it with your desired amount of pesto. Toss it till it's evenly coated
when the pasta is ready, drain it and mix it with your desired amount of pesto. Toss it till it’s evenly coated
serve with chicken on top, garnish with a few basil leaves
serve with chicken on top, garnish with a few basil leaves

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Just had another thought, the chicken breast can store in the fridge for a couple of days so you can make extra and serve it over salad the next day.

Do you multitask in your kitchen? What’s your most complex routine?

About aika

Making, eating and sharing good food are a splendid way to start, brake and end a day! I post good eats on Life is a feast, eat up!

One thought on “Chicken breast over pasta and pesto

  1. Lovely.
    I am the queen of multi tasking in the kitchen. I do dishes while water is boiling for either rice, ugali or pasta. Then for the stew I make it with also preparing the veggies.

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