Mbaazi with sausages

We have a cousin that is going to marry soon, last week we went to his first official wedding planning meeting. He is from my husband’s maternal side so all my Mother-in-law’s sisters were there. It was fun! Family, laughter, good food, you know (^_^)

One of the Aunties brought some mbaazi (pigeon peas, I think) from her shamba for everyone. I’ve heard of mbaazi, don’t think I’ve ever eaten it, so this is the first time I’m cooking it.


She said to pre-cook them just like beans, but they didn’t need to be soaked and wouldn’t take as long to cook. Then I could stew, or add to a stew. I cooked them with sausages.   

the raw mbaazi/pigeon peas, I rinsed, then boiled in water for about 20 min and it was ready
4 cloves chopped garlic, 2 teaspoons of dried oregano in some olive oil
two sausages cut into small pieces
add the sausages and reduce the fire to low, stir frequently till the sausages are cooked all the way through, you can add a bit of water to keep the garlic from burning
then add two chopped tomatoes
and two cups of the cooked mbaazi, stir, cover for a little while, about 4 to 6 minutes. If it’s too dry and starts to burn add just a bit of water. It doesn’t need very long as the sausages and mbaazi are already cooked.
served with chapati and avocado chunks

Husband Rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆

The mbaazi has the texture of beans but they are more filling, more hardy. The taste is good too. I have a little more left and I’d like to try another recipe, something more traditional.

Anyone have any traditional recipes for mbaazi?

About aika

Making, eating and sharing good food are a splendid way to start, brake and end a day! I post good eats on Life is a feast, eat up!

2 thoughts on “Mbaazi with sausages

  1. Hi pendo la mama. Love your recipes. I’ve been raised eating mbaazi so I have a variety of ideas. My mum would make githeri,coconut mbaazi that would be accompanied either by rice, mahamri or chapati and she’d also cook cassava and mbaazi in coconut sauce. I think i loved the last one best and i figured it was an easy recipe since both main ingredients were pre-cooked; all she had to do was fry up some onions, spice, pour in the coconut milk then the pre-cooked cassava chunks and mbaazi. Hope my tips are of help.

    1. Hey Kambaguri!
      Thank you so much for the tips! I like the cassava and coconut one, it sounds very good.
      I haven’t had cassava for a while, I’ll be looking for it next time I’m in the market.

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