Mushroom, cheese and basil omelet

Some things are just so good they’re worth doing over and over. The combination of mushrooms and eggs is one of those things for me. I just  icon-heart how those two taste together. It never gets old.

served with avocado slices
served with avocado slices

I had a little extra basil left over from a batch I used for making pesto the day before. This was the perfect way to finish it off.   

first, slice the mushrooms, thin. Only need about six of them for an omelet for two
first, slice the mushrooms, thin. Only need about six of them for an omelet for two
sauté them in a little bit of butter till they're just tender, set aside
sauté them in a little bit of butter till they’re just tender, set aside

Then chop up 4 or 5 leaves of basil and beat into 4 eggs with salt to taste

in the same pan, pour in the egg mix to start cooking. If there's still some butter coating the pan then you don't really need to add more oil/butter for the egg
in the same pan, pour in the egg mix to start cooking. If there’s still some butter coating the pan then you don’t really need to add more oil/butter for the egg

Cook the eggs slowly on low heat.

when the egg is almost dry, spread the sautéd mushrooms on one side and sprinkles some grated cheese on top
when the egg is almost dry, spread the sautéd mushrooms on one side
and sprinkle some grated cheese on top
and sprinkle some grated cheese on top

Use a hard cheese of your choice. I used gouda.

fold the omelet in half and continue cooking on low heat till the inside is done. You will turn it a a couple f times.
fold the omelet in half and continue cooking on low heat till the inside is done. You will turn it a a couple f times.
when done, cut in half and serve
when done, cut in half and serve
if you live avocado, you will love it over this omelet!
if you like avocado, you will love it over this omelet!

Husband Rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆

He had his without the avocado, he is not fan of the buttery fruit.

Try it though, with avocado! Let me know how you like it. Tag me on Twitter or Instagram  with @pendolamama

About aika

Making, eating and sharing good food are a splendid way to start, brake and end a day! I post good eats on Life is a feast, eat up!

5 thoughts on “Mushroom, cheese and basil omelet

  1. Seems it’s vegetarian Friday, I’ve also posted a vegetarian recipe. I am yet to try mushrooms in eggs, I’ll this recipe. As always your photos are on point.

    1. Thank you my dear! I’ve come a log way with the photos, you should have a look at some old posts! ha ha! actually, on second thought,… maybe you shouldn’t. I have learned a lot though. Let me check out your veggie piece,…

  2. I just came across this recipe and i’m definitely going to try it- Love your variation of a simple omelette-makes it even more interesting! Beautiful photography too! Also, never been daring enough to use gouda cheese, this makes me want to try it. Love your blog! 🙂

    1. Hey Ritika!
      Karibu! (^_^) Thanks for stopping by. Do come back and give feedback when you try it.
      BTW, I love the title of your blog!


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