Almost Jamie Oliver’s “Purple Potato Salad”

It’s one thing to cook for paying customers in a restaurant, but cooking at home should be done with the heart. It takes time to learn all the flavour preferences in your home, and then develop the skills to combine different ingredients to make the meals that satisfy all the palettes. And even better, mature to your own distinct style.

I do not have a style of my own yet, and needless to say, I’m still figuring out what my husband likes and dislikes. Hopefully & prayerfully there will be some additions to accompany us at the table soon — in the mean time I’m just trying stuff and learning. That’s why we have cook books, they give us a starting point in this lifetime journey. YES, I said lifetime.

I like Jamie Oliver’s cooking style. He makes cooking what it is — just cooking. Not rocket science. He’s fun to watch and he gives great tips for quick meals.

I received one of his books as a birthday gift this year, Jamie’s Kitchen 4 (couldn’t find the book on his site so this links to the page). Been browsing it a little and it’s time to try a recipe. I went for the “Purple Potato Salad”

the roots are ready

As one would expect, some of the ingredients aren’t native or I just couldn’t find. But that shouldn’t stop anyone, there’s always an alternative. Recipes aren’t absolute. When they call for something you can’t find, look for alternatives. Make them your own, get creative, surprise yourself! Except when you’re baking cakes and such, some things just can’t be switched out.

6 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Juice of 1-2 lemons, to taste
255/9oz créme fraîche or fromage frais 150ml sour cream
500g baby new potatoes potatoes
500g purple potatoes nduma/magimbi
sweet potatoes (my addition)
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
1 bunch of radishes, finely sliced
1 hand full of fresh mint leaves, chopped
1 handful of chives, chopped

To make the dressing, mix the olive oil, sour cream and lemon juice. Wash, peel and chop the potatoes to bite sized pieces, cook in plenty of water and salt to taste.

washed, peeled, cut

When ready, drain and set aside to cool. When cool enough to handle, combine with dressing in a mixing bowl, throw in the radishes, mint, chives, basil and black pepper to taste. Mix gently, don’t turn it into mash potatoes. Then serve.

adding to potatoes
up close

I was going to make some chicken to go with this, but when I pulled the chicken out to marinate it, it had turned purple! So upsetting! But I should have known better. It had been waiting in the fridge too long, I meant to cook it two days ago but we had sudden evening plans two days in a row. I forgot to freeze it.

I served the potato salad with spicy beef sausages instead (^_^)

Husband Rating: ★★★★★★★★½☆


About aika

Making, eating and sharing good food are a splendid way to start, brake and end a day! I post good eats on Life is a feast, eat up!


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