A bundle of joy & pawpaw juice

Now you know why around september last year the frequency of my posts just dropped! ha ha! That morning sickness… for some of us it lasts all day!

She was born in mid April, the prettiest little baby girl on the planet! Yes, I know, all mothers say that. We are all right by the way! It was an awesome experience for me, there are no words for it. That’s hindsight talking, I didn’t think so at the time. I don’t know anyone who thought “This is awesome!” while having a contraction. At one point my husband asked if I was alright… “Are you alright?” he said, very kindly, voice full of genuine concern. For whatever reason I actually thought about that question, I started to search myself looking for an answer:

“Well, these contractions are painful! Yikes!! I want them to go away!! Can this baby come out already?!! But wait,… this is the normal course of things so I guess it’s OK that I’m in pain. So I’m OK. Say you’re OK!  … …  But I don’t want to be in pain! … If I say I’m not alright what can he possibly do about it? Aaaagh!!!”

That’s roughly the train of thought I had for about 5 seconds. Before I could come up with an answer he asked again, “Are you alright?” I snapped! “Stop asking me that!”

He he he!  (^_^)

the pulp
the spooned pawpaw

OK, lets talk edibles!

I’m not back in the kitchen as much as before but I make something every now and then. I do have a couple of recipes that I had already photographed that were just waiting to be posted towards the end of April so you’ll be seeing them soon. Unfortunately some will not have ratings (-_-), he just does not remember what they tasted like.

Funny how he can remember a favourite scene in an action movie frame by frame, years later!  But not the taste of what he had for dinner two nights ago, even with photos! (-_-)  

So… pawpaw juice, one of the first things I made when I started doing things in the kitchen again. It was really a scramble to save the pawpaws! My husband has been doing all the shopping since I’m now at home with the baby. I can just picture him going to the market with a the list and just calling out what he needs at the first stall and paying for whatever gets packed! When he gets home I find potatoes packed on top of tomatoes, pineapples over the spinach! Ha ha ha!

cut three tangerines and two oranges to add to the pawpaw pulp so that it’s not so thick. Water would have “watered” it down and I’m not a fan of adding soda, it’s way too much sugar!

Well, one day he did some voluntary shopping. He was on his way back from a trip and decided to stop and get fruits and veggies from the road side vendors. Another thing he’s doing is buying in bulk, to reduce the number to trips to the market. So when he heard how much cheaper it was he came home with a crazy amount of stuff! In the midst was 6 large ripe pawpaws. I don’t remember what they were under but they were crushed!

And to make things worse it took me a couple of days to sort though everything so by the time I got to them they were getting mouldy. I couldn’t throw them all out. So I saved some by cutting them to remove the spoiled bits then spooned the good bits into a bowl to make juice.

squeeze and remove the seeds
add to pawpaw and blend
serve! Nothing like fresh juice!

Husband Rating: ★★★★★½☆☆☆☆

I would take that rating with a grain of salt (^_^)
He does not like pulp juices, thick soups or creamy anything.

It was very tasty. Just pulpy. I didn’t put enough oranges and tangerines to make it completely watery, but if I did it wouldn’t taste much like pawpaw either. So I left it a little pulpy. I liked it a lot.


About aika

Making, eating and sharing good food are a splendid way to start, brake and end a day! I post good eats on www.pendolamama.co.ke. Life is a feast, eat up!

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