in her own words…
Sometime after the birth of my second baby, my girlfriends were finally coming over to my house to see the baby and to have a meeting for our investment company.

When trying to think of what to prepare for them I remembered Siba once preparing a simple elegant meal for her girlfriends. And that is what inspired this recipe.
The prep work is pretty heavy but well worth the time. Here is the list of ingredients you will need:
6 yellow corn cobs
4 tbsp butter, melted
2 garlic cloves, crushed
100g green bean, halved
6 spring onions, thinly sliced
1 pack button mushrooms, sliced
1 pack of cherry tomatoes, quartered
1 red pepper, diced
1 green pepper, diced
1 cup freshly chopped dhania + some to garnish
Start by boiling the corn for about 7 to 10 min, till they’re just tender but not cooked. Brush them with half the melted butter and place in the oven on one the top racks, 200°C on grill mode until they char. Alternatively you can use a griddle instead if you have one, they will char faster. Or it you’re barbecuing, put them on the grill before you start with the meat. I use the oven, so while the corn continues to cook/char, I proceed with the mushrooms and green beans…

In a pan, heat the remaining butter, sauté the garlic and spring onions, then add the mushrooms. Once the mushrooms soften, add the green beans, cook for about three more minutes, add salt and pepper to taste and it’s done.
Remember to check on your corn, turn them, if ready pull out and set aside to cool.
Then quarter the cherry tomatoes and cut up the peppers and dhania.

Then prepare the basil pesto dressing as follows:
250g basil pesto (Store bought or home-made. I used store bought)
Juice and grated rind of ½ lemon, to taste
Salad seasoning of choice to taste

The corn cobs should be cool enough to work with by now so cut the corn kernels off the cob and add to the bowl

Don’t worry if it seems like the dressing in not enough, it should not be very visible, but all the veggies should be *kissed* with a bit of dressing

Ranja’s Rating:
The oven roasted buttered corn alone is 10!
It’s not exactly as Siba did her’s but it’s close enough and very delicious! It works great as a salad meal on it’s own and I like to serve this with the meatloaf from last week and nothing else. They go very well together. I hope you try it, enjoy!
The meatloaf and this salad are an explosive combination. If you are looking for a well rounded just-can’t-go-wrong meal to serve your guests, this is it!
Thank you so much June for inviting me over and sharing these awesome recipes with me and my readers. I had such a great time.
What do you guys think? This is a sure winner, is it not? Share your thoughts in the comments below, let us know if you try it…