Curry powder can be so many different combinations of spices. The last curry powder I purchased had cumin, turmeric, coriander and tomato powder. It was a very simple one, I suspect some people buy that as a base to make their own mix. I read up on the terms “curry” and “curry powder” on Wikipedia. I was surprised by what I found…
Curry /ˈkʌri/, plural curries, is the generic English term primarily employed in Western culture to denote a wide variety of dishes whose origins are Southern and Southeastern Asian cuisines,
Curry powder, a commercially prepared mixture of spices, is largely a Western notion, dating to the 18th century.
So, some of the curry dishes we make aren’t even the original, as they are “commercial mixtures” — most likely prepared to be more palatable for a wide audience! Makes me wonder what a real curry dish would taste like in Thailand or India. Do read the articles on wikipedia, it’s good info.

I started to look up “curry powder” because I ran out of my curry powder mix, but I had the individual spices (except tomato powder). I wanted to know what the proportions were so I could make my own. But after reading that on Wikipedia I realised that maybe it didn’t matter so much. Seemed to me that I could just experiment, I think that’s the best way to learn in the kitchen anyway (^_^)

I started with onions, the plan was to caramelise them first. Well, I burned them (-_-) That’s what happens when you are watching the baby and cooking at the same time. It was evening and I was home alone with her. Anyway, I left the fire on too high.

I didn’t have time to chop more onions and start over, so I continued with them.

When it thickens, take off the fire and add 6 tablespoons of sour milk/natural yoghurt.
Stir in, put back on fire to warm up. Done!

I have have an old post of a different lamb curry, you can check it out on the link below.
Old post: Lamb curry and rice
It was very good. But I think this new one is better. Much simpler to prepare too. Though I have no rating to prove it (-_-) I was rocking the baby to sleep while he was eating.
Speaking of curry, have you ever heard of “curry leaves?” Have you used them?
Where did you get them?