It’s a nice day, I get more time to rest.

So I pulled the leftovers out of the fridge to see how I could put them together. For whatever reason I’ve been thinking about burritos. So I opted for something similar, with chapos. Plus I’m getting much better at making them and more importantly controlling the quantities. So I made just what we needed for dinner.
Then I stuffed a couple with leftovers and served (^_^)

After he ate his fill that day I mixed the matoke and beans and made the vegetables as I has planned to and put the leftovers in the fridge. So next, I spread some veggies on top of the matoke.

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I thought he would eat more than one but it was so filling. I think I might explore this direction a little more. Stuffed chapos! — why not? I mean, what would taste bad wrapped in a chapo?