Mbaazi and rice with spices

Hello! Yes, I’m still here (^_^)

I have missed a few days of posts, I know. Been working hard on some new things. Hope you’ve been enjoying the guest posts though. I will have more soon too. If you haven’t see them yet see the “Guest Posts” category.


This is a quick one, just ground some spices and threw it together,…   

the young and green, the dry

The mbaazi (pigeon peas) I used for this is the dried kind, see the difference in the photo above? I think I prefer the green ones on the left, they cook as quickly as peas. The dried ones have to be pre-cooked like beans so you have to plan ahead.

the spices, cloves, cinnamon and cardamon
start with a chopped onion in some oil on medium heat, let them caramelise
pull the cardamon out of the pods…
ground with cinnamon and cloves…
add to onions with teaspoon of turmeric and teaspoon of cumin seeds
add pre-cooked mbaazi and a bit of water, simmer simmer simmer!

Then when done you can combine with cooked rice  to serve or serve separately.

the salad; tomatoes, dhania and salt, simple!

Husband Rating: ★★★★★★★½☆☆

I have been told that the best way to cook mbaazi is with coconut milk. I need to get a good mbuzi (coconut grater), I would like to make the coconut milk as well… anyone know where I can get one?

About aika

Making, eating and sharing good food are a splendid way to start, brake and end a day! I post good eats on Life is a feast, eat up!

3 thoughts on “Mbaazi and rice with spices

    1. Hey!!
      I am in Nairobi!
      BTW I’ve been waiting for someone I know to take a trip to Mombasa so I could send for one!!
      If you could send me one that would be awesome! I’ll shoot you an email (^_^)

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