Tamarind is one of those things I remember very fondly from childhood. Up until recently I just ate them like candy.

Then I used some in a dish a while back but I’ve never thought to turn it into a paste till now. By the way, if you haven’t tried that tamarind chicken you are missing out. It’s very simple to make and would be a good start to kick off your cooking with tamarind experience if you never have. It also doesn’t need the paste, so you won’t have to make it first. (Just a little warning though, those old photos are not pretty, I was still learning! He he he! Just focus on the recipe, don’t mind the photos, the recipe is a winner, I promise!)
Now, lets get on with how I made that paste. You will need some fresh ripe tamarind. They don’t have to be removed from the pods (they often already are before you buy), but if they are thats one less step for you.

I actually like them in the pods, I like cracking those pods open, takes me way back

And yes, I ate the first one. Ha ha ha! There was no way I wasn’t going to. Let me just release you — don’t be so serious while you’re cooking, enjoy every bit of the process, especially if it means tasting. Don’t pass up the opportunity to have a nibble/spoon/piece of something! A verse comes to mind…
1 Timothy 5:18 For Scripture says, “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,” and “The worker deserves his wages.”
That’s Paul, quoting from Deuteronomy 25:4, don’t muzzle thyself — go ahead, have a nibble!
Continuing on with the paste…

Add nothing else. Cover and turn on the heat. Once the whistle goes off from the pressure, reduce the heat and wait 15 to 20 min, the remove from the heat. You will get something like this…

Then bit by bit, spoon the pulp into your blender to make a lovely smooth paste

And there you have it! Tamarind paste!

3 thoughts on “Tamarind Paste (ukwaju)”