vegetable fried rice

I like the colours in this one, very appetising to look at. I like the versatility as well, it can be different every time because you can use whatever selection of vegetables you have available or that suit your mood.


It can also be a meal on it’s own, just add extra portions vegetables and throw in some mushrooms or beans for protein and bam! β€” one pot dinner.Β Β 

first, select your vegetables, (carrots, sugar snap peas and baby corn in my case) then cut them up to the size that you prefer. I try to keep them all about the same size or shape just ’cause it looks nice. So if I’m using green beans for example, I’d cut the carrot into strips instead

The stir-frying bit doesn’t take very long because most vegetables don’t need more than five minutes to cook so prepare the rice first. Or even better, make extra when using rice for a different meal, then use the leftovers for a stir-fry like this the next day.

so assuming you have the rice ready to go, and the vegetable also cut up and ready to go, start with an onion in some cooking oil and water ( I always add water when I want the onions to stay soft and get cooked without burning)

I used the white onion because it’s clear, the red onion tend to show, especially when I store the leftovers for the next day. They make the food look older than it is in a dish like this.

once the onions had softened enough I added the carrots

When adding the vegetables, start with the one that needs the most amount of time to cook. In my case it’s the carrots.

after about 2 minutes I added the baby corn and sugar snap peas, they cook in about the same time
when they ready, salt them lightly, keeping in mind you’ll be adding soy sauce, and they’re ready for the rice
adding in the rice. Add as much or as little as you want, one cut at a time till you get the rice to veggie ratio you like
then add some soy sauce, again, a little bit at a time, mixing in each portion slowly

If using left over rice, or if your rice had already cooled down from cooking, wait a little while for it to warm up. Keep stirring it so that it doesn’t stick to the bottom too much. Once it’s warmed up it’s ready to serve.

happy colours
enough of looking at it, go make it and dig in!

Do not overcook the vegetables. The crunch of fresh veggies in every bite is awesome!

About aika

Making, eating and sharing good food are a splendid way to start, brake and end a day! I post good eats on Life is a feast, eat up!

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