After I made the sour milk I started thinking about what to do with it.

It’s the strangest thing, when I buy the sour milk I have no issues figuring out what to do with it. Now that I’ve made some I seem to have forgotten what to do with it!

cut some mangoes, two or three

I later remembered the paw paw whip my mother made us when we were kids. The last time I made it, I mixed mango and pawpaw. This time I did it with mango alone. I made this about a week and a half ago, with the last of those lovely sweet mangoes that I had. The mango season is almost over. Haven’t see these ones in the market at all lately.   

add the sour milk
it’s a lot like flavoured yoghurt, but better. Home made and no sugar added.


About aika

Making, eating and sharing good food are a splendid way to start, brake and end a day! I post good eats on Life is a feast, eat up!

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